“Live At Cyclone” in Shibuya, Japan [Live Set]

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Live At Cyclone
Shibuya, Japan

Japan is a great place to play and just be in as a tourist, period, so it should come as no surprise that this live set reflects just that. This was fun to review, critique, and listen to with an objective ear. Being that it was around the end of my time in the band, it’s a pretty awesome representation of where we were at with each other, musically. I’m grateful for having been a part of it and hope my involvement served as somewhat of a building block in the band’s trajectory. It’s also incredible to think of how many more times Terror has been back to Japan since. Truly, the Last Of The Diehards.


“We Are Terror, From LA…”

When I joined the band, I think this was the first song we rehearsed together, so it’ll always be held in high regard for me. It was also a fun one to play with Frank while we were in the band together, as it animated his already amazing personality. Aside from that, it just has that definitive Terror energy and characteristic that made them the band they are now. The octave note on bass at the tail end of the last riff sounds cool into the elongated open E of Spit My Rage. It’s the little things…

Better Off Without You into Spit My Rage was always one of my favorite bridges. The ferocity we played that song is captured perfectly here, but where’s that double-time ride bell in the breakdown, Nick?! This song blazes and smashes with such an unrelenting fury, it’s amazing. 

A Terror classic for me. Don’t know if you guys still include it, but it’s hard to imagine a setlist without it. I actually always tried to play the bass well on this song, as it demands so with its amazing groove and bop. The mosh callout into mosh part with those bass/guitar drops… HARRRRD!!! Followed by Scott’s overhanging scream closing it out. Incredible!

Another banger and face smasher. Speed and precision is the name of the game with this one. Nail those fast parts and decimate that riff during the mosh part. Martin and Doug’s voices always sounded great on the back-up’s for this song, and listen to Nick Jett’s kick drum foot. Can’t fuck with that.

Man, is there a tougher way to open one of the toughest songs ever? Such a headbanger!!! This one was always sure to invoke a real tribal ritual of separating the men from the boys. The back of forth on vocals with Martin/Doug and Scott was something amazing to watch grow and evolve on— just listen. I remember trying to add Black Sabbath flavor on this tune. 

Love the “Matt from Chimaira” shoutout that opens this. We played a lot with them when I was in the band and always had a blast every time. Love those guys! Another tune where precision is key. Razor sharp riffing and again, Nick Jett’s kick drum. Loved locking in with that. He makes it easy to be a bass player. Wasn’t this mosh part a recycled WBS pit that was added in the studio sorta last minute? Regardless, it’s a smasher and one of my favorite songs to have played.

Oldie but a goodie. Another Terror classic in my book. Love the Punk-vibe skank mosh part in this one, as it allows the set to finally breathe a little bit more again. Always a perfect song to segue into Not This Time.

Perfect segue from Life And Death because of the drastic tempo change. The ebb and flow, creating mood and tension— that’s what makes a good live set. Terror’s always been great at writing songs that allow the set to do that. Those two songs together always did that for me. I feel like this song got swopped in and out of the set often, but it was always a fun one to play at the time. Mainly just sit back and let the vocal groove shine on this. 

This was a very anthemic song for us at the time. I love how much Scott demands the crowd’s attention, even though it’s Japan— where odds are, no one’s understanding shit. It really speaks to his sincerity and that’s a part of him that’s always resonated with me. Diehard!!! Love the New York Hardcore vibe throughout this one. From Scott’s shoutouts and stage banter to the AF-style bass intro/verse and dance floor friendly chorus. Cool little bass lick I don’t remember using towards the end of the last chorus too. 

I remember when Scott started busting out “put one hand up” to introduce this song. I loved how it had the ability to get a crowd of people united, jumping up and down in celebration of overcoming hardship. A super powerful and empowering song that always resonated on and off stage.

This is a song I always wished I could have played with Todd Jones. Prior to joining, I was a fan like everyone else, and this was THE song. Like Scott shouts, “Madball is all I need”, and this one was all about being in the pocket and basically pretending like I was Hoya. Fun one to sing along with the crowd to— and people loved to stage mosh for it. 

Another tune where I tried to lean towards a Black Sabbath flavor in some parts. Not so sure it worked. It’s hard to listen to this version objectively and love it because the way it’s played now with the current line-up is SO much better. Another empowering song that was a staple set closer. So many Overcome knuckle tattoos and stomach rockers out there in the world. So awesome! Respect to Terror. 

- Buske


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