Always The Hard Way [Video]


Proof that a group of friends with a passion, some knowledge, and a bit of experience can put together what they know and make something great happen. I remember being so stoked to be asked and given a shot at making a video. Up to that point I had a lot of experience working with digital cameras and used my VX1000 to shoot skate videos and some shows. This was a first attempt to use newer technology for the time and shoot at a higher frame rate per second. There was no blue-ray quality and 4K was years from existence. No iPhones yet! We had little to work with and we made it happen. 

The exterior shots of graffiti were shot in East Lost Angeles (RIP-REGRET). I remember the cops driving by and not giving two shits what was happening, it was great. The main shots were done in Nick’s studio in the valley as well as the alley of his home. Everyone had individual takes and we tried to keep it lit with one over head light moving around. We used what we had and took a trip to the 99¢ store. I recall we borrowed or reused the same black sweatshirt for most of the takes. Luckily I had swiped it off the couch from chubs as I was headed over and it saved the shoot. I wanted to try and create that Pantera feel with close ups and of course the breaking of the light bulb at the end. We had one chance for that shot and I felt like dog shit when Scott shattered it and cut up his hand. 

We made it happen with not much and anyone can do it too. All the video editing software was copied or stolen and just took time to learn it. The camera was rented and I figured out how to use that too. It took a couple days to shoot and a couple days to edit. I was and still stoked to be a part. DIY




Resistant To The Changes [Video]


Episode 003 - Breaking Down “Always The Hard Way”