KOTF European Summer Tour, 2011 - Episode 04

Song 1: “Bad Blood” by The Damned Things / Song 2: “Get a Life” by Pennywise

Check it out, here’s video 04 of the 5-part video series from our KOTF European Summer Tour all the way back in 2011. We got an extensive MTV Cribs style tour of our LUXURIOUS bus (aka “The Rolling Ritz” ™) which is the highlight of the episode. Also some footage from Roskilde Festival in Denmark which was one of the most interesting & cool experiences at a festival that we’ve had as a band. All topped off with arguably one of the band’s favorite festivals in the world to play, [With] Full Force Festival in Germany. The footage from the day is humbling & we really can’t wait to get back. One more episode left & then the KOTF Garagecast goes live! Thanks to any & all that have tuned in!


KOTF European Summer Tour, 2011 - Episode 05


KOTF European Summer Tour, 2011 - Episode 03